Season 1, Episode 13: Oceanside

For years, I listened to Headspace everyday. Andy Puddicombe’s phrase “calm, quiet confidence” is now just part of how I think of mindfulness, although I’ve never heard that phrase anywhere else. It’s elegant in many ways, like a lot of what Headspace does, but in this context it brings in a sense of effortlessness without having to use long words. It cuts to the chase.

A similarly beautiful metaphor I borrow here is from one of my teachers, Dr. Uma Dinsmore-Tuli — her concept of an internal sun from her gorgeous morning nidra in her and her partner’s online course on sleep.

Overall, this meditation has two halves: the first is an original bodyscan rotation of an inward spiral and the second is Open Focus language, inspired by the Racquet Sports Training audio tape.


Season 1, Episode 14: The Amulet of Light


Season 1, Episode 12: The Wishing Pond